"being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods"
DNM University
Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist-April 6, 2020
New Skills Academy
Pet Nutrition Certification- January 2018
New Skills Academy
Pet Psychology Certification- December 2018
The Possible Canine-Online Courses
Canine Diet Formulation-January 2016-present
Introduction to Animal Herbalism-January 2016-December 2016
Harrisburg Area Community College-Lancaster Campus, Lancaster PA
General Studies (microbiology, inorganic and organic chemistry), January 2015-December 2015
Cumulative GPA: 3.0
Albright College, Reading PA
Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology, May 2014
Cumulative GPA: 3.3/4.0; Major GPA:
Albright Alumni Award and Scholarship for $10,000 annually, Fall 2010 – Spring 2014
Major in PsychoBiology Pre-Veterinary
Minor in Evolutionary Studies
Administrator/Moderator, facebook
Bengal Cat Crazy 2017-December 2018
Bengals Headsup March 7, 2018-present
Holistic Animal Advice February 22, 2018-2020
Bengals: Next Generation, Bengal Classified Group and Silver & Silver Snow Bengals January 26, 2018-present
Bengal Cat’s Raw and Proud January 1, 2018-present
Bengal Cats 2017-2019
Best Natural Raw Canine & Feline Nutrition and Homeopath/Holistic Health August 2016-November 2017
16 Paws and Raw and Raw Feeding October 2017-present
Naturally Reared (raw fed/holistically raised) Pet Support Group November 2017-present
Moderate appropriate behavior by members
Mitigate conflict and controversial topics
Work with other administrators to moderate and provide information to members
Educate members about Therapeutic raw diets
Educate members about animal health and wellbein
Administrator/Moderator, facebook
Prey Model Raw Feeding (The Nutrition Code) October 2017- present
Accept new members
Moderate appropriate behavior by members
Mitigate conflict and controversial topics
Educate members on the proper canine and feline raw diet through posts, links and comments
Work with other administrators to moderate and provide information to members
Design informative infographics
Write informative articles
Maintain the official website www.TheNutritionCode.info
Administrator/Moderator, facebook
Simply Rawsome July 2017- present
Accept new members
Educate members on the proper canine and feline raw diet through posts, links and comments
Fill in when the owner is working or unavailable
Answer emails and messages concerning products, shipping/tracking information, ordering etc.
Design educational material: infographics, articles, documents, videos
Designed, rebranded and upgraded the website
Promoted to an Executive Assistant in April 2018
Designed Two Websites
Designed, Spearheaded and Maintain a Breeder Program
Created and amaintain a Rewards Program
North Western North Carolina Co-Op., Green Mountain, NC
Founder April 26, 2017- present
Source quality meat, organs and bones for members
To help support local farmers, butchers, packers etc.
Collect and place orders for members
Organize financial funds -
Help reduce the costs of raw feeding ordering products on line
Organize meeting delivery, locations and transport network
Educate members about raw diet for their cats, dogs and ferret
Write and provide informative files on the operations of the co-op and raw feeding information
Administrator/Moderator, facebook
Raw Feeding Advice and Support April 2017-October 2017
Accept new members
Moderate appropriate behavior by members
Mitigate conflict and controversial topics
Educate members on the proper canine and feline raw diet through posts, links and comments
Work with other administrators to moderate and provide information to members
Help update and create informative files
Write articles on informative topics
Design infographics on informative topics
Created, Designed and run the groups official website http://www.rfas.uk (since modified)
Elysian Bengals, Green Mountain, NC
Owner April 2017-present
Build a cattery space to house breeding cats
Find and maintain healthy breeding cats and kittens via proper nutrition, environmental enrichment, health screens for common illnesses etc.
Examine pedigrees carefully
Have a full understanding of genetics
Have a full understanding of feline illnesses and diseases
Have a full understanding of kitten development
Extensively know the Bengal Breed Standard
Have a vested interest in improving the breed
Attend and show at cat shows
Screen potential new owners
Created and maintain an official website
Maintain business finances
Social Media Marketing
Spearheaded Welcoming Charcoal in the Show Hall August 2018-April 2020
Wrote up the proposal with 11 editions
Presented the proposal in front of various committees (breed, rules, genetics) and boards within The International Cat Association
Organized other breeders to write statements of support (we needed 10 to submit with the proposal)
Organized other breeders to register their cats as charcoal (we needed 50 in order to fill out the proposal paperwork)
Became one of 5 breeders to show over 10 cats in New Traits (this is where you don't get points or titles for showing the cats,)
Paid fees to submit paperwork and proposal as well as initiate a breed community poll
Created. and presented a slide show to 70+ world wide TICA judges
Working with Stanford PhD Christopher Kaelin to further understand the Agouti Prionailurus bengalensis, or APb gene in Asian Leopard and domestic Bengal cats.
The Nutrition Code., Lancaster, PA
Owner January 2016-Present
Educate cat and dog owners about proper companion animal nutrition
Create infographics to visual explain specific topics of prey model raw feeding
Write articles to comprehensively explain various topics of prey model raw feeding
Maintain a social media presence through engaging posts
Formulation personalized meals and menus for customers
Prepare personalized meals for customers and their animal companions
Midwestern Pet Foods., Evansville, IN
Demonstrator/Representative May 2017-June 2017
Travel to various animal-related locations
Create an attractive demo table
Educate customers about animal nutrition
Convert customers to the product
Record and maintain demo sheets
Create a diverse schedule of appropriate hours and demo locations
Coordinate with store owners
Tuffy’s Pet Food Inc., Perham, MN
Demonstrator/Representative February 2015-March 2017
Travel to various animal-related locations
Create an attractive demo table
Educate customers about animal nutrition
Convert customers to the product
Record and maintain demo sheets
Create a diverse schedule of appropriate hours and demo locations
Precious Paw Prints Jewelry, Bowmansville PA
Owner/Artist/Designer, December 2008-Februray 2017
·Create personalized jewelry and commemorative pieces featuring the pet’s paw/claw/hoof print, image or cremains
·Manage finances including expenditure, income and taxes
·Manage an inventory of items
·Attend Pet shows and venues to gather clientele
·Manage and create an official website
Manage community outreach through social media
Design and distribute brochures, business cards, fliers, catalogs etc
Perform public relations tasks to maintain a primer network of displayer locations
Black Horse Animal Hospital, Kinzers, PA
Receptionist/Veterinary Assistant- August 2015-Octover 2015
Manage 8 Line phone system
Utilize a complex scheduling computer system
Create, organize, file and record detailed client and patient charts
Open and closing practices
Customer services (check in/out, answer questions)
After death care
Minimize Veterinarians’ work
Bernville Veterinary Clinic, Pet Spa & Resort, Bernville PA
Intern, Summer 2013
Completed 256 hours including time spent audited three veterinarians throughout client appointments and surgeries
Helped manage the drug log, count out medications, mix vaccinations and perform radiographs and ultrasounds
Reviewed various veterinary journals, peer reviewed articles and books on veterinary care, veterinary school, economics, shelter life, farm life, surgical procedures, disease profiles, animal behavior and case studies
Godfrey's Welcome to Dogdom, Mohnton PA
Owner's Assistant, September 2008 – August 2010
Performed administrative duties including data entry, stocking, labeling and filing invoices with strong attention to detail
Provided excellent customer service over the phone and in person, greeting customers and their pets, providing
recommendation of products, completing sales transactions
Country Pet Hideaway, Reinholds PA
Kennel Assistant, April 2008 - September 2008
Performed animal care including grooming, feeding/watering/medicating animals, waste control, cleaning runs and organizing yard rotations in addition to administrative responsibilities including filing and organizing grooming schedules
Provided excellent customer service over the phone and in person and checking pets in and/or out
Berks Humane League, Reading PA
Volunteer, Summer 2004
Performed animal care including cleaning cat kennels and small animal cages, feeding and watering and socializing potential pets during 36 hour volunteer opportunity
Owned cats, dogs, rabbits, rats and ratlets, fish, gerbils, lizards, salamanders, ant and worm farms, 1991-Present
Operated a self- employed Pet Business 1998-2011
Proposed a business plan for Golden Pet Affairs Pet sitting proposed -to Godfrey’s Welcome to Dogdom, Knauers, PA 2011
Researched, conducted and presented “Spatial vs. Memory Learning in Rats” at the Science Fair at Garden Spot High School and Franklin and Marshall College science fairs-2010
Audited Awesome Dawgs basic training classes-Knauers, PA 2010
Completed Rabbit Husbandry Course, Garden Spot High School New Holland PA 2009
Completed Veterinary Science Course, Garden Spot High School New Holland PA 2008-2009
Completed an Animal First Aid Certification, Godfrey’s Welcome to Dogdom, Knauers, PA, November 2009
Created a website called Allaboutrats.com website-2007-2009
Bred and Husbandry of rats-2002-2009
Invited to present at Ratapalooza in Washington State-2008
Attended two week Horse Camp which included riding, general and specific equine knowledge and husbandry practices, 2007
Produced a YouTube Video about the birthing of rats 900,000+ hits-2007
Shadowed summer at Ark Animal Hospital Reading PA-2007
Conducted research and created a Fifty-two page report on rats, Garden Spot Middle School, New Holland PA 2006-2007
Presented a research project on Purebred Cats, Over Population vs. Breeding, a project for the Gifted program Garden Spot Middle School New Holland PA2005-2006
Rescued and performed first aid on a wild rabbit with a broken leg-2001-2002
Fostered kittens- Lancaster Humane League Lancaster PA Nov. 18-Dec. 9 2002
Made dog treats for Lancaster Humane League Lancaster PA-Dec. 2002
Adopted endangered sea turtle, Loggerhead Marine life Center Juno Beach FL-1999
Invention Plans: Pet Marinette, Refillable Rodent Water Bottle, Pet ISBN
Prey Model Raw Recipes: 130 Recipes and How To’s on Recipe Design
So You Want to Raw Feed Your Cat and Dog 2019
So You Want to Raw Feed Your Cat( 2nd Edition)- November 2018
So You Want to Raw Feed Your Dog- December 2017
So You Want to Raw Feed Your Ferret- December 2017
Why Feed A raw Food Diet: How A Raw Food Diet Can Benefit Your Cat’s Life- Bengal Cat www.bengalcats.co, March 10, 2018
Why Your Cat is Not A Vegetarian or Vegan – Lancaster County Pet, Spring 2016
Tips and Tricks for Healthier Kibble - 2016